
Single Parent Scholarships: A Path to Education for Those Raising Children Alone

Single Parent Scholarships: A Path to Education for Those Raising Children Alone

Being a single parent is one of the most challenging roles a person can take on. Raising children requires immense time, energy, patience, and financial resources – and single parents have to shoulder that monumental responsibility entirely on their own. On top of caring for the children, many single parents also have to work one or multiple jobs to make ends meet.

Under those circumstances, the idea of going back to school or pursuing higher education can seem like an impossible dream. The costs of tuition, fees, books, and other expenses create one more hurdle that feels insurmountable when you’re a single parent struggling to get by.

However, an education is one of the most powerful tools for breaking the cycle of poverty and creating better opportunities for yourself and your children. Recognizing the obstacles that single parents face, many organizations and institutions offer scholarships specifically for this demographic to make college more affordable and accessible.

In this post, we’ll explore the world of single parent scholarships – what they are, who qualifies, examples of major programs, tips for applying, and stories of single parents who succeeded with the help of these awards.

What Are Single Parent Scholarships?

A single parent scholarship is a form of financial aid awarded to students who are raising a child or children on their own with little or no assistance from another parent or guardian. These scholarships do not need to be repaid, in contrast to student loans.


While some scholarships for single parents are offered by colleges and universities themselves, many are funded by private organizations, nonprofit groups, government agencies, corporations, and private donors.

The qualifications and award amounts can vary widely between different single parent scholarship programs. However, the fundamental criteria usually involve:

• Being a parent who is raising at least one child as a single guardian

• Demonstrating financial need

• Meeting minimum academic requirements (GPA, test scores, etc.)

Some programs are open to both undergraduate and graduate students, while others focus specifically on associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s degree levels. A few scholarships are limited to single parents pursuing certain fields of study as well.

Major Examples of Single Parent Scholarship Programs

With the difficulties single parents face in affording higher education, a variety of scholarships have been established to help this demographic. Here are some of the major single parent scholarship programs available across the United States:

FRESA Family Education Scholarship

• Awards of $4,000 to $10,000 for undergraduate or graduate students

• Must be a single parent raising a child under 18

• Financial need is considered

• Minimum 2.7 GPA required

Patrina T. Instructor Scholarship

• Awards of $500 to $2,500 for single parents pursuing teaching degrees

• Must be enrolled full-time with a 3.0 GPA or higher

• Financial need is a key factor

• Currently accepting applications for upcoming semesters

Raise the Nation

• Offers $5,000 scholarships for single parents

• Open to students of any major or degree level

• Funded by individual donors

• Awards based on written essays and financial circumstances

Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund

• Provides tuition assistance for residents of Arkansas

• Students must be single parents age 24 or older

• Awards based on financial need, academics, personal statement

• Can be applied to 2-year, 4-year, or technical college programs

scholars4dollars Single Parent Scholarship

• Awards $500 to $1,200

• Open to single parents working towards any degree

• Must answer essay question as part of application

• Awards are randomly selected from qualified applicants

These are just a few examples, as there are many other local, regional, and national single parent scholarship opportunities available depending on your location, school, and situation.

Why Single Parent Scholarships Matter

It’s clear that being a single, working parent while also juggling school creates immense pressure financially, logistically, and mentally. By alleviating some of the monetary strain through scholarship funds, these programs make it more feasible for 8 moms and dads to continue their educations.

An affordable path to a college degree or vocational training can be utterly life-changing for single parent families. With higher education under their belt, single parents gain access to more career opportunities and higher-paying jobs. This increased earning potential allows them to create better lives for themselves and their children.

Additionally, getting a degree is about more than just boosting income potential. It sets an incredible example for the children of what can be accomplished through perseverance and hard work. Witnessing their single parent earn a college education despite all the obstacles demonstrates the value of resilience, discipline, and investing in oneself.

Higher education allows single parents to break cycles of poverty, model the importance of learning, gain respected professional skills, expand their knowledge, and start building wealth that can carry their families forward.

Given the transformative power of these scholarships, it’s crucial that single parents are aware of and able to tap into the financial aid resources available to them.

Tips for Applying to Single Parent Scholarships

While requirements vary between single parent scholarship programs, there are some universal tips that can strengthen your application and put you in a better position to earn these awards:

• Start the process early: Give yourself ample time to fill out applications, request transcripts, write essays, get letters of recommendation, and meet all deadlines.

• Highlight your unique story: Scholarship committees want to understand your background, challenges you’ve overcome, future goals, and how the funding will impact your life. Make your application essays compelling and personal.

• Emphasize financial need: Many single parent scholarships are need-based aid. Provide clear documentation of your financial circumstances, income level, monthly expenses, existing debt, etc.

• Maintain strong academics: Though not all programs have minimum GPA cutoffs, demonstrating a history of good grades shows your commitment and ability to succeed in your studies.

• Get recommendation letters: Ask professors, counselors, employers, or community members who can vouch for your character, determination, and academic/professional capabilities.

• Apply for multiple awards: The more single parent scholarships you apply to, the higher your chances of being selected. Don’t limit yourself to just one or two opportunities.

• Follow all instructions carefully: Make sure you meet every requirement and submit every requested component of the application by the deadline.

• Ask for help: If you need guidance on essays, budgeting details, or any other part of the application process, don’t be afraid to ask your school’s financial aid office for assistance.

Success Stories of Single Parent Scholarship Recipients

To see the powerful impacts these scholarships can have, let’s look at some examples of single parents who benefited from receiving financial aid to make their educational dreams a reality:

Jessica M. – Originally a teen mom who dropped out of high school, Jessica used a single parent scholarship to enroll in a vocational nursing program at age 27. The funding allowed her to become a licensed practical nurse (LPN), find stable employment, and create a better life for herself and her son.

Carlos R. – Facing homelessness as a single father, Carlos was living out of his car until he received a generous scholarship that covered his full tuition to Northern Virginia Community College. He was able to get an associate’s degree in IT support and now has a reliable career maintaining computer systems.

Any T. – Already working full-time as a preschool teacher, Amy earned her bachelor’s degree in childhood education through night classes thanks to a $10,000 annual scholarship she was awarded over 4 years as a single mom. She is now qualified for higher-paying jobs and can provide more opportunities for her kids.

These are just a few of the countless success stories that exist. While each single parent’s path has its own unique challenges and triumphs, scholarships have empowered many of them to gain valuable degrees and credentials.

Looking to the Future

No parent should have to choose between providing for their children financially or pursuing an education that could dramatically improve their family’s circumstances. Yet this tragic situation is the reality for many single moms and dads.

By increasing awareness, availability, and accessibility of single parent scholarships, we can change that narrative. With more funding sources to remove the financial barriers to higher learning, single parents can invest in themselves, broaden their career prospects, and create cycles of upward mobility and enrichment for generations to come.

If you’re a single parent who has dreamed of going back to school, research scholarship opportunities in your area and submit applications for any you may qualify for. Taking that first step could be the start of an incredible academic and professional journey benefiting your whole family.

For individuals and organizations in a position to give, considering donating to scholarship funds that assist single parents. Your gift can open transformative doors and have profoundly positive impacts on families working to build brighter futures.
