
Preserving the Classics: A Comprehensive Guide to Insurance for Classic Cars, RVs, and Hot Rods

Owning a classic car, RV, or hot rod is a thrilling venture that combines a passion for vehicles with a celebration of automotive history. Preserving these prized possessions requires more than just careful maintenance; it necessitates the right insurance coverage. In this blog post, we’ll explore the nuances of insurance for classic cars, RVs, and hot rods, unraveling the types of coverage needed and the protection they offer.

Classic Cars:

Classic cars, with their timeless design and historical significance, demand specialized insurance coverage that differs from standard auto insurance. The primary considerations for classic car insurance include:

  1. Agreed Value Coverage: Classic cars often appreciate in value rather than depreciate. Agreed value coverage ensures that, in the event of a total loss, you are reimbursed for the agreed-upon value of the car, which is determined at the inception of the policy.

  2. Usage Restrictions: Classic car insurance may come with restrictions on usage, such as mileage limitations or requirements to store the vehicle in a secure garage. This acknowledges the limited use of classic cars compared to daily drivers.

  3. Specialized Repair Shops: Classic car insurance often allows policyholders to choose specialized repair shops familiar with the unique needs of vintage vehicles. This ensures that repairs are conducted with the utmost care and attention to detail.

  4. Spare Parts Coverage: Given the rarity of some classic car parts, insurance may cover the cost of sourcing and replacing original or rare components.

  5. Inflation Guard: To account for the potential appreciation of the classic car’s value, an inflation guard provision may be included in the policy, adjusting the agreed-upon value over time.

RVs (Recreational Vehicles):

RVs, whether motorhomes or towable trailers, represent a unique category of vehicles with distinct insurance requirements. Comprehensive coverage for RVs includes:

  1. Total Loss Replacement: In the event of a total loss, this coverage ensures that you receive a brand-new, similar RV or the original purchase price, mitigating depreciation concerns.

  2. Full-Timer Coverage: If you live in your RV full-time, standard policies may not provide adequate coverage. Full-timer coverage considers the RV as both a residence and a mode of transportation.

  3. Personal Belongings Coverage: Given that RVs often carry personal belongings, this coverage protects items like clothing, electronics, and kitchenware in the event of theft or damage.

  4. Emergency Expenses: RV insurance may cover emergency expenses such as lodging, transportation, and meals if your RV becomes uninhabitable during a covered incident.

  5. Liability Coverage: Liability coverage is crucial for RVs, considering their larger size and potential for causing more significant damage in an accident.

Hot Rods:


Hot rods, customized and often high-performance vehicles, require specialized insurance that considers the unique modifications made to the original vehicle. Key considerations include:

  1. Stated Value Coverage: Similar to agreed value coverage for classic cars, stated value coverage allows the owner and insurer to agree upon the value of the hot rod, considering its modifications and enhancements.

  2. Custom Parts and Equipment Coverage: This coverage extends protection to aftermarket parts and modifications, ensuring that the investment made in customizing the hot rod is safeguarded.

  3. Appraisal Requirement: Insurance for hot rods may require periodic appraisals to reassess the vehicle’s value, especially if significant modifications or improvements are made.

  4. Limited Mileage Options: Recognizing that hot rods are often not used for daily commuting, insurance policies for these vehicles may offer limited mileage options, reducing premiums for owners.

  5. Coverage for Racing Events: If the hot rod is used for racing events, coverage may need to be extended to include participation in such activities.


Protecting classic cars, RVs, and hot rods requires a nuanced approach that goes beyond standard auto insurance. The unique characteristics and usage patterns of these vehicles demand specialized coverage that considers their historical significance, customization, and potential for appreciation. By understanding the specific needs of each type of vehicle and tailoring insurance coverage accordingly, owners can embark on their automotive journeys with confidence, knowing that their cherished possessions are well-protected
